Worship Every Sunday - 10:30 am Sanctuary
142 N 4th St, Coshocton, OH
(740) 622-0486
Local, Regional and Global Missions are an important part of who we are here at The Presbyterian Church of Coshocton! Below are a number of different ways we help in our very own community, region, and even in the world.
If you are interested in giving, please consider giving online through the app Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement
The Salvation Army Food Pantry
Shepherd's Christian Assembly - Easter Food
Back to School Project - clothes and supplies to local children
Winter Coat/Hat Project - gave to 25 local children
Mitten Tree for hats, scarves, and mittens during the holiday season
Chestnut Crossing Ministries
Windsorwood Place
Signature Healthcare
First Step
Coshocton Recovery
Operation Christmas Child
Harvest Table
Lenten Lunchons
Hospital Tray Favors and Cards
First Step
One Great Hour of Sharing
Peace & Global Witness Offering